United Nations Organization UN Key Facts Quiz


United Nations came into existence on  24th June 1945. World was thinking seriously for creating a body which takes the responsibility of maintaining World peace. At last World succeeded in her purpose for maintaining peace. UN has six principal organs now.  General Knowledge Facts  include all the important information  United Nations principal organs that are Security Council, General Assembly, International Court of Justice, International Trusteeship, Economic and Social Council.

United Nations Organizations (UN)  General Knowledge 


1) When the United Nations Chartered signed?
 26 June 1945

2) When the UN came int existence ?
24 October 1945

3) Total countries members of the United Nations ?

4) There are how many official languages of United Nations ?

5) Name the official languages of UN ?
Arabic , Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish 

6) Head Quarter of the United Nations is situated at which City ?
New York 

7) How many principal organs of the United Nations ?

8) Name the principal organs of the United Nations ?
General Assembly, United Nations Security Council, Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Un Secretariate , International Court of Justice, UN Trusteeship Council .

9) Who is the Secretary General of United Nations Organization ?
Antonio Guterres

10) Secretary General of United Nations belong to which country ?

11) Secretary General of United Nations is appointed for how many years?
5 years

12) Who is the Deputy Secretary General of United Nations Organization ?
Aminah J. Muhammad

13) Deputy Secretary General of United Nations belong to which country ?


United Nations Security Council and General Assembly 


1) Who is the president of General Assembly of UN ?
Peter Thomson

2) Who is the President of United Nations Security Council ?
Elbio Rosselli 

3) Total number of Observer States in UN are?

4) Name of Observer States in United Nations ?
(1) Holy See (2) State of Palestine

5) Total Members of the United Nations General Assembly?

6) Total Members of the Security Council  ?

7) Permanent Members of United Nations Security Council are ?

8) Name the permanent members of United Nations Security Council ?
(1)  United States of America (USA) (2) United Kingdom (UK)(3) Russia (4) China  (5) France 

9) There are how many non permanent members of Security Council ?

10) Name the non permanent members of United Nations Security Council ?
Italy , Japan , Sweden, Ukraine , Ethiopia, Bolivia, Kazakhstan, Senegal, Uruguay, Egypt

11) President of the United Nations Security Council is selected for how much period ?
 1 month 


 International Court of Justice 

1) Head quarter of the International Court of Justice ICJ situated at ?
Peace Palace in the Hague, The Netherlands.

2) ICJ composed of how many judges ?
15 judges

3) ICJ judges are appointed for how many years ?
9 years

4) ICJ judges are appointed by which UN organ ?
United Nations Security Council and General Assembly

5) President and Vice President are selected for how many years by the secret ballot?
3 years

6) Who is the current president of International Court of Justice ?
Ronny Abraham

7) Ronny Abraham president of ICJ belong to which country ?

8) Name the Vice President of International Court of Justice ?
Abdulqawai Ahmed Yusuf

9) Vice President of ICJ belong to which Country ?

10) Name the Indian Judge who is is working in International Court of Justice ?
Dalveer Bhandari

11) Name the three woman judges working in International Court of Justice ?
Joan E. Donoguhe from US , Julia Sebutinde from Uganda and  Xue Hangin from China.

Economic and Social Council ECOSOC of UN


1) ECOSOC  UN stands for?
Economic and Social Council of United Nations

2) Who is the president of ECOSOC ?
Marie Chatardova

3) Economic and Social Council has how many members ?

4) Member of the of the Economic and Social Council selected for the period of how many years ?
3 years

5) Who elect the member of ECOSOC ?
General Assembly

6) What is the role of ECOSOC ?
The of Cconomic and Social Council is to coordinate economic , social and related works of 15 UN specialized agencies. 


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