Solved General Knowledge MCQs Quiz on Political, Diplomatic and Constitutional terms Set 1


Solved MCQs Quiz on Political, Constitutional and Diplomatic Terms for NTS, CSS, PPSC, FPSC and other job tests. These Multiple Choice Questions on different Political Terms, Constitutional Terms and Diplomatic terms is to practice and MCQs are taken from Caravan General Knowledge Book.

1. A person employed and smuggled into the territory of the adversity to organize subversion while outwardly posing as an adherent _____ ?

(a) Apartheid
(b) Agent Provocateur
(c) Lynching
(d) Naxalism

2. Loyalty or duty of a subject to the sovereign or the government is called _____ ?

(a) Condominium
(b) Suzerainty
(c) Allegiance
(d) Sovereignty

3. A condition in which a government is powerless to maintain law and order is called ______ ?

(a) Episcopacy
(b) Diarchy
(c) Appeasement
(d) Anarchy

4. General Pardon shown to the convicts on special occasions is called ______ ?

(a) Four Freedoms
(b) Hierarchy
(c) Amnesty
(d) Mediation

5. The Policy of racial segregation of Whites and non-Whites mainly in South Africa is called _____ ?

(a) Apartheid
(b) Demagogy
(c) Pacifism
(d) Naxalism

6. The act of gratifying one’s adversary with concessions even by sacrificing principles is called ____ ?

(a) Appeasement
(b) Comintern
(c) Impeachment
(d) Naturalization

7. A temporary cessation of fighting pending formal negotiations for peace is called ______ ?

(a) Blitzkrieg
(b) Bourgeoisie
(c) Armistice
(d) Coup d’etat

8. Refuge or Protection granted to a foreign national in another country is called ______ ?

(a) Amnesty
(b) Asylum
(c) Inquest
(d) Parole

9. The junior official in the diplomatic service such as military Naval or Commercial is called _______ ?

(a) Charged Affairs
(b) Consul
(c) Envoy
(d) Altache

10. A form of government in which absolute political and coercive powers are concentrated in the ruler is called ______ ?

(a) Bolshevism
(b) Autocracy
(c) imperialism
(d) Fascism

11. A constitutional set up in which the legislature comprises two chambers like House of Lords and House of Commons ______ ?

(3) Bilateral
(b) Bicameral
(c) Diarchy
(d) None of these

12. A powerful faction or dominant group within a party is also called ______ ?

(a) Black Panthers
(b) Autocracy
(c) Cancus
(d) Bourgeoisie

13. The senior-most diplomat after the Head of the Mission who temporarily conducts the affairs of the Mission during the absence of the Head of Mission is also called ______ ?

(a) Charged Affairs
(b) Attache
(c) Armistice
(d) Agent Provocateurs

14. Aggressive patriotism with contempt towards other nations is called _____ ?

(a) Anarchism
(b) Chauvinism
(c) Condominium
(d) Fascism

15. Handing over by one government to another of a fugitive from justice is called _____ ?

(a) Genocide
(b) Extradition
(c) Impeachment
(d) Polycentralism

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Solved General Knowledge MCQs Quiz on Political, Diplomatic and Constitutional terms Set 2

Solved General Knowledge MCQs Quiz on Political, Diplomatic and Constitutional terms Set 3


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