Solved General Biology MCQs Quiz for Competitive Exams Set 12


General Biology Mcq’s Quiz with Answers for NTS, CSS, FPSC, PMS and PPSC Test Online Preparation. These Objective type Questions are also for students who are willing to attempt MCAT entry test. MCQs are taken from Caravan General Knowledge Book.

1. Who discovered the blood groups of man ?

(a) Edward Jenner
(b) Larven
(c) Kari Landsteiner
(d) William Harvey

2. Glycogen is mainly stored in _______ ?

(a) Cartilage and bone
(b) Liver and muscles
(c) Spleen
(d) Villi

3. Pepsin converts _____ ?

(a) Protein into peptides in acid media
(b) Protein into peptides in alkaline media
(c) Protein into peptides in neutral media
(d) Starch into glucose

4. DNA model was given by _____ ?

(a) Beadle and Tatum
(b) Fisher and Haldane
(c) Lederberg and Tatum
(d) Watson and Crick

5. The theory of inheritance of acquired characters was propounded by _______ ?

(a) Charles Darwin
(b) Gregor Mendel
(c) J.B. Lamarck
(d) Weismann

6. Which of the following has no blood but respires ? 

(a) Cockroach
(b) Earthworm
(c) Fish
(d) Hydra

7. The pituitary gland is a gland attached to the ______ ?

(a) Liver
(b) Neck region
(c) Spleen
(d) Base of the brain

8. Which of the following is the correct sequence ?

(a) Green plants animals biosphere atmosphere
(b) Green plants biosphere -animals atmosphere
(c) Animals green plants -atmosphere biosphere
(d) Atmosphere green plants animals biosphere

9. Liver produces ?

(a) Hormones
(b) Bile
(c) Enzymes
(d) HCI

10. Synthesis of the gene in the laboratory was done for the first time by _______ ?

(a) Hargobind Khorana
(b) Gregor Mendel
(c) Watson and Crick
(d) Paul Berg

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