MCQs Quiz on World Famous Battles Solved Vol 2


This Quiz on World Famous Wars. Here are some MCQs on World Famous Battles with answers for NTS, PPSC, CSS, FPSC, OTS, PTS and other job tests. These Multiple Choice Questions on Famous Battles are posted here only for practice purpose.



1. with which war is the name of florence nightingale associated?

(a) World War-I
(b) Wortd War-II
(c) crimean war
(d) Battle of Leipzig

2. Battle of Salamis was fought between the Athenian fleet and Persian fleet Persian fleet was defeated. When was the battle fought?

(a) 408 AD
(b) 408 BC
(c) 668 AD
(d) 668 BC

3. Spartan War I was fought in 459 BC between Sparta and Athen. For how long the war lasted?

(a) 30 years
(b) 10 years
(c) 25 years
(d) 20 years

4. Who was defeated in Spartan War-II fought in 431 BC?

(a) Persians
(b) Spartans
(c) Athenians
(d) Egyptian

5. In 190 BC a battle was fought between Syrians and Romans. Syrian Army was defeated. Name the battle?

(a) Battle of Magnesia
(b) Battle of Arabia
(c) Battle of Gibraltar
(d) Battle of Platae

6. Hundred-Year War was fought in 1338 AD. 1453 AD. between?

(a) France and England
(b) France and Germany
(c) England and Germany
(d) England and Dutch

7. Started in 1618 AD. as a religious-cum-political war between the Lutherans and Catholics in Germany and developed into an international is known as?

(a) War of Roses
(b) Thirty years war
(c) Seven years war
(d) Boer war

8. A Civil War between Cavaliers (King Charles I supporters) and forces of Parliament led by Oliver Cromwell in which King Charles I was executed, was fought  between?

(a) 1637 AD. ____ 1642 AD.
(b) 1642 AD. ____ 1649 AD.
(C) 1639 AD. ___ 1645 AD.
(d) 1640 AD. ____ 1642 AD.

9. In which battle the Dutch defeated Spaniards and Portuguese in 1607 AD?

(a) Battle of Platae
(b) Battle of Gibraltar Bay
(c) Battle of Arabia
(d) Battle of the Nile

10. The Seven-year war (1756 AD – 1763 AD) was fought between ______?

(a) France and Germany
(b) England and France
(c) England and Prussia
(d) France and Austria

11. Battle of the Nile in which British and French fleets met Britain was victorious. When was the battle fought?

(a) 1798 AD.
(b) 1791 AD.
(c) 1794 AD.
(d) 1792 AD.

12. In 1805 British fleet defeated French and Spanish fleet. The British fleet was commanded by Admiral Nelson who was killed during the battle. We are talking about ________?

(a) Battle of Trafalgar
(b) Battle of Mycale
(c) Battle of Plaloc
(d) Phoney War

13. Germany and Combined forces of Austria, Prussia and Russia defeated Napolean in 1813 AD. Name the battle?

(a) War of Roses
(b) Battle of Leipzig
(c) Boer War
(d) Balkan War

14. In which battle British forces led by Duke of Wellington defeated French forces led by Napolean Bona Parte?

(a) Battle of Waterloo
(b) Battle of Leipzig
(c) Battle of Borodino
(d) War of Roses

15. First China war fought (1839-42 A.D.) between China and Britain is known as ______?

(a) Balkan War
(b) Opium War
(c) Battle of Mycale
(d) Boer War

See More

MCQs Quiz on World Famous Battles Solved Vol 3

MCQs Quiz on World Famous Battles Solved Vol 4


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