Excel MCQs Quiz Computer Science vol 2


Excel MCQs Quiz. This MCQs set of Computer Science on Microsoft Excel covers objective type questions important information about excel spreadsheet its history, shortcut keys and all its versions which  will be helpful  in preparation of public and civil service exams .


1.  Which shortcut Keys are used to select all contents of Excel Sheet?

2. Which shortcut Key is used to save the opened Work Sheet?
(D) None of These

3. Which shortcut keys are used to undo the last action?
(C) Both A & B
(D) all of the above

4Which shortcut keys are used to Bold the highlighted Selection?
(D) None of the above

5. Which shortcut keys are used to underline the highlighted selection?
(D) None of the above

6.  In Excel 2016 which shortcut Keys are used to change the format of selected cells? 
(A) CTRL+100
(B) CTRL+10
(C) CTRL+1
(D) None of the above

7. Which shortcut keys are used to insert a hyperlink in Microsoft Excel?
(A) Ctrl+T
(B) Ctrl+M
(C) Ctrl+K
(D) None of the above

8. Which Shortcut keys are used to strikethrough highlighted selection in Excel?
(A) Ctrl+4
(B) Ctrl+5
(C) Ctrl+6
(D) None of the above

9.  Which shortcut keys are used to create a formula for addition of the contents of above cells?
(A) Alt+=
(B) Ctrl+=
(C) Shift+=
(D) None of these

10. In Ms Excel 2016 Ctrl+Space shortcut keys are used to _______?
(A) Select Entire Row
(B) Select Entire Column
(C) Selection Entire Rows and Columns
(D) None of the above

11.  In MS Excel 2016 Shift+Space shortcut Keys are used to _______ ?
(A) Select Entire Row
(B) Select Entire Column
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of These

12. ctrl+-  shortcut keys in MS Excel are used to _____?
(A) delete selected column
(B) delete selected row
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of These

13. Ctrl+Shift+1 shortcut Keys in excel are used to ______?
(A) format number in comma format
(B) format number in currency format
(C) format number in date format
(D) format number in time format

14Ctrl+Shift+2 Shortcut Keys in excel are used to ________?
(A) format number in percentage format
(B) format number in currency format
(C) format number in time format
(D) None of the above

15. Which shortcut keys are used to move the cursor to cell A1 in Excel?
(A) Ctrl+Windows Key
(B) Ctrl+ end Key
(C) Ctrl+Home Key
(D) All of the above




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