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NTS Jobs

NTS Jobs 2021/2022 NTS Results Apply Online
Get all latest current Jobs/Vacancies in NTS 2021-2022 with details of application forms, notifications, test schedule and result. National Testing Service (NTS) is an organization which is working for the recruitment of civilians in different offices of Pakistan and NTS is also conduct a test for different admissions in almost every top-ranked College of Pakistan. NTS was first established with the purpose of admissions in different universities of Pakistan but later on it starts recruiting civilians in different departments of Pakistan in Government and Many Private departments are included. NTS announces job opportunities almost every month and it gives almost 15 days time to applicants to submit their applications. Those candidates who are interested to apply for the jobs announced by NTS may submit their application form which can be obtained from the official website of NTS candidates have to pay some amount as test fee in favor of NTS which is non-refundable. All the applications should be sent to the head office of NTS which is located at Islamabad. After application collection procedure NTS issues list of Final Candidates which are eligible to appear for NTS test. NTS test is totally based MCQ’s and these MCQ’s were taken from the different subjects. After NTS test short listed candidates will contacted to appear for final interview. The complete recruitment procedure of NTS is completely based on merit and its result is this that every month huge number of candidates appears for the NTS and making their future successful.