United Nations was established as the result of World War II . After the destruction of World War -I and World War -II World was thinking seriously for the establishment of an international organization which takes the responsibility of ensuring World peace . At the end of World War-I World succeeded in creating the League of Nations but it totally failed and resulted in Second World War. The founder of United Nations are those 26 countries of allied nations who participated in “UN Declaration” first official use of the term of “United Nations”, which was suggested by United States of America President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on 1st January 1942 during Second World War.
UN charter signed by more than 50 countries on 26th June 1945 and finally came into existence on 24th October 1945. Their mission was to restore the peace in World and avoid wars between countries and group of countries . UN soon after its establishment taken the issue of refugees who were migrated from War Zone areas and make arrangements for their rehabilitation. Key Facts about UN are following.
United Nations Chartered Signed on 26th June 1945
UN came into existence 24th October 1945
Motto of UN : Its Your World
Secretary General of UN Antonio Guterres from Portugal
Deputy Secretary General of United Nations : Aminah J. Muhammad
Total Members of UN 193
Observer States 02 ( Palestine and Holy See)
Official Languages of United Nations : 06 (English , French , Russian , Spanish, Arabic , Chinese )
Mission of the United Nations
1. To main the World Peace
2. To improve the living conditions of people in all continents of the World
3. To maintain the coordination among people of different nations
UN principal Organs
United Nations has six important principal organs .
1. General Assembly consists of all 193 members who are also members of United Nations
2. United Nations Security Council consists of 15 members in total , in which 5 permanent members are China, Russia, USA , UK and France
3. UN Secretariat
4. International Court of Justice consists of total 15 judges with a headquarter in Hague Netherlands.
5. UN Trusteeship Council is inactive organ of United Nations since 1996
6. Economic and Social Council
Other Special Agencies of the United Nations along with their role
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) looking after all the development programs in developing countries
United Nations Development Environment Program (UNEP) looking after the matters specially environment protection in developed and developing countries.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) works for the provision of loans to developed countries with certain conditions and help the countries to improve the economic condition.
World Health Organization (WHO) looking after the health related issues around the globe and gives directions to all government .
United Nations International Children Eduction Fund (UNICEF) working specially on the children education and started many projects relating to schools establishment
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) working on different methods to improve food production .
United Nations has tried her best to work on its goals and at some extent succeeded in her mission of maintaining peace as we can see that after the 2nd World War more that 72 years passed but no war seen between the group of countries. Along with this achievement of United Nations other specialized agencies are also working in close relations with all the countries Government in improving the conditions of common people . From UNDP to WHO we have seen major development programs and Health programs all over the World to control diseases such as polio.