Statistical Officer FPSC Syllabus


More than 100+ Posts for Statistical Officer BPS-17 announced by FPSC in October 2018. The syllabus for the post of FPSC Statistical Officer has not been announced officially yet for the said case but FPSC has conducted test for this post in 2016 and there are chances syllabus will remain same . But while looking at the FPSC past papers of Statistical, test will be of mcqs type and there will be 100 MCQs with 100 Marks and no negative marking .Candidates who are appearing in FPSC test for the first time are asking for how the Statistical Officer test paper 2018 will be . Following is the syllabus of FPSC Statistical Officer in FG Schools .

FPSC Statistical Officer Syllabus

Part1- English (20 Marks)

Part 2- Professional Test (80 Marks)

Statistical Officer Syllabus FPSC 2018


There will be 20 MCQs of 20 Marks in English Portion for the post of Statistical Officer in Pakistan Bureau of Statistics and may consists of questions related to grammar usage and Sentence structuring vocabulary, composition, parts of speech, synonyms, antonyms , analogies, prepositions, and completing the sentences, Idioms and phrases , direct indirect ,active voice and passive voice and will carry 20 MCQs of 20 marks .

Part 2

Professional Test

Professional Test for the post of Statistical Officer will include following topics totally from stats, basic arithmetic and I.T Knowledge for test preparation and will carry 80 marks

  • Introduction to Statistics
  • Presentation of Data
  • Index Numbers
  • Measures of Dispersion
  • Simple Regression and Correlation
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Sampling Techniques
  • Techniques of Research
  • Testing of Hypothesis
  • Report Writing and Presentation
  • Basic Arithmetic and I.T Knowledge

FPSC has not announced officially the syllabus for Statistical Officer yet . But Statistical Officer post were announced in 2016. So there are chances syllabus will remain same although little changes are expected.


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