General Knowledge MCQS for the Preparation of civil service and public service commission exams, NTS, PPSC, FPSC, BPSC, SPSC and other exams all over the World. This MCQs set contain information about Geography , name of the borders between different countries and Geography of India , Pakistan and China.
1. An extremely small piece of silicon on which integrated circuits are fabricated are called?
(A) Chip
(B) Card reader
(C) Feed
(D) Hollerith Code
2. The time taken by light to reach the Earth is?
(A) 4 minutes 30 seconds
(B) 8 minutes 15 seconds
(C) 10 minutes 20 seconds
(D) 12 minutes 30 seconds
3. The shape of our Milky Way galaxy is?
(A) Irregular
(B) Spiral
(C) Elliptic
(D) Rectangular
4. The coldest planet of the solar system is?
(A) Venus
(B) Earth
(C) Neptune
(D) Pluto
5. BIMAN is an airline of?
(A) Sri Lanka
(B) Cambodia
(C) Afghanistan
(D) Bangladesh
6. 38th parallel line is a boundary line between?
(A) Myanmar and Thailand
(B) Thailand and Malaysia
(C) India and China
(D) South and North Korea
7. Oxygen by volume has a presence in the atmosphere of about?
(A) 10%
(B) 21%
(C) 30%
(D) 45%
8. The brightest planet in the solar system is?
(A) Saturn
(B) Venus
(C) Neptune
(D) Mars
9. The planet with the shortest daytime is?
(A) Venus
(B) Earth
(C) Jupiter
(D) Pluto
10. Insulin in the human body is produced in?
(A) Liver
(B) Kidney
(C) Pancreas
(D) None of these
11. Dynamite was discovered by?
(A) Daimler
(B) Mosley
(C) Alfred Nobel
(D) Freud
12. How far is the Dead Sea before the Mediterranean?
(A) 250 metres
(B) 300 metres
(C) 400 metres
(D) 1000 metres
13. Laws of Heredity were discovered by?
(A) Benjamin Franklin
(B) Darwin
(C) Mendel
(D) None
14. Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Dr. Abdus Salam in the year?
(A) 1969
(B) 1975
(C) 1979
(D) 1983
15. The longest river is located in?
(A) Asia
(B) Africa
(C) Latin America
(D) North America
16. The highest mountain peak Mount Everest has been named after Col. George Everest who was?
(A) Commandant of 1st Mountain Infantry unit
(B) A Commander of Grolsch brigade
(C) A political agent of N.W.F.P.
(D) Surveyor General of India
17. Christopher Columbus who discovered America was?
(A) Spanish
(B) Dutch
(C) Italian
(D) French
18. The annual average flow of water in the Indus River system is?
(A) 130 MAF
(B) 110 MAF
(C) 100 MAF
(D) 90 MAF
19. The single biggest hydel power generating site is situated in?
(A) Brazil
(B) China
(C) United States
(D) India
20. The US Congress and Senate raised the debt limit of US government by?
(A) $500 billion
(B) $1500 billion
(C) $1500 billion
(D) $2000 billion
Answers to MCQs Quiz General Knowledge Vol 5
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. D
7. B
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. C
12. C
13. C
14. C
15. B
16. D
17. C
18. B
19. B
20. C
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