Excise and Taxation Inspector BPS-16 are announced by PPSC in September 2018. The syllabus for the post of PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector also announced . While looking at the PPSC past papers of Excise and Taxation Inspector test will be of mcqs based and will carry 100 marks and of 90 minutes duration. Candidates who are appearing in PPSC test for the first time are asking for how the ETI paper 2018 will be. While looking at the past papers of . Following is the syllabus of PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector in Excise, Taxation and Narcotics Control Department, Government of Punjab.
Excise and Taxation Inspector ETI PPSC Syllabus
English Portion of multiple choice questions mcqs consists of grammar usage , vocabulary, composition and sentence structuring . MCQs in Excise and Taxation Inspector English Section test may contain prepositions, analogies, synonyms, antonyms and completing the sentences, Idioms and phrases , active voice and passive voice, direct indirect ,.
Urdu Portion in PPSC MCQs consists of MCQs related to Urdu Poetry, Poets Novel and their authors. Famous Historical Poetry Books and their authors may be included in Urdu MCQs.
Basic Mathematics
PPSC Excise and Taxation Inspector test will contain Multiple Choice Questions MCQs from the Basic Mathematics. Basic Arithmetic mcqs may contain equations, series questions, ages, time and distance related questions
Current Affairs & General Knowledge
Current Affairs are the latest happenings in Pakistan and around the globe. PPSC test for ETI will be MCQs based . This test will contain multiple choice questions of Current affairs mcqs . You should remain in touch with the latest news on politics, international affairs , Pakistan Affairs, sports , technology and personalities. Current Affairs now-a-days is the compulsory part of all test conducted by PPSC or any other commission.
Every Day Science and General Science & Ability
General Science and Ability MCQs is also the compulsory part of Excise and Taxation Inspector Test . General Science and ability MCQs may be from the Universe , Human Body System, Inventions, Atmosphere . Analytical Reasoning section contains questions on probability, series and other questions . This portion also includes basic computer operations in MS Office i.e Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint.
Pakistan Affairs & Islamic Studies
Pakistan Affairs syllabus for the post of Excise and taxation inspector includes topics from 1857 till present , all the important historical events such as formation of Muslim League, Nehru Report, Quaid-e-Azam 14 points, Allah Abad Address , all the important personalities such Quaid-e-Azam, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Sir Agha Khan, Liaqat Ali Khan which occurred and most important thing we have noticed in past papers of excise Inspector and PPSC papers for other post Pakistan Affairs section also contain current Affairs about Pakistan .
Islamic Studies
Islamic Study MCQs Questions are also the part of all type of PPSC tests . Excise and Taxation Inspector test will contain 10 MCQs from Islamiat section of 10 marks . Islamic Studies portion includes all the historical events of Islamic History , Ghazawas, Important dates , Ashra Mubashra and other basic information related to Hijrat, Madina Pact and other agreements .
Basic Computer Studies
Basic Computer Studies include questions related to Basic of Computer such as Hardware, Software, Basic Computer Applications, Fundamentals of Computer, Microsoft Office including Power Point, Word, Excel short cut keys . Computer portion in ETI test will also be MCQs type test