Medical College Final Merit List



The Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC), is known as the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council. The purpose of PMC is to provide a minimum quality of basic and advanced qualifications in medicine and dentistry across Pakistan by regulating entrance to the PMC registry of medical professionals and removing individuals as needed.

According to the PMC undergraduate education, every college issues a final merit list after conducting all tests, interviews, and other requirements, as well as taking into account MDCAT and other exam results in determining the merit. All students who submitted to the college and met the minimal merit conditions will be listed on the final merit list. The merit list will be posted on the college website, and a copy will be given to the authority to review and keep records of.

After the final merit list has been published, the student has the option to accept or decline admission to the relevant college, allowing the next student in line on the merit list to take their place. The student has three working days to accept the offer by submitting the requested tuition cost to the college. Medical and dentistry schools that demand payment from students three days after their interviews have been warned to follow the above Regulatory requirements.

PMC helpline and Student Portal

Those students who want to contact PMC Can contact on PMC helpline number that is (033-11-00-6191) to face any difficulty. You can check the official website of PMC, there you will be able to find out the PMC student portal.

PMC Scholarships

PMC Pakistan medical commission has declared the establishment of the National Medical Scholarship Fund 2021-2022, which will provide scholarship money to deserving students who cannot afford to pursue a medical or dentistry degree. The PMC National Medical Scholarship Fund 2021-2022 was established with an Rs. 250 million responsibility from the healthcare regulator, but it has since grown to Rs. 361 million appreciation to admission fees and other licensing fees, and it is expected to grow even more thanks to additional grants from both public and private sector education systems.