World Day for Laboratory Animals is observed annually on ______ date ?


1) 21st April
2) 22nd April
3) 23rd April
4) 24th April

On 24th April 2019, World Day for Animals in Laboratories also known as World Lab Animal Day was observed for the movement to end the suffering of animals in laboratories around the world and their replacement with advanced scientific non-animal techniques. The adjoining week is known as “World Week for Animals in Laboratories” (WWAIL) which is observed from April 21-28.Hugh Dowding’s birthday was chosen as the date of world Laboratory animal Protection Day. He was not only an officer of the Royal Air Force of Great Britain but also a famous animal rights fighter and former president of National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS).This Day was established in 1979 by the NAVS. They described the day as an “international day for commemoration” for animals in laboratories.


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