Daily Archives: Dec 18, 2019

______ mobile application has been launched by Prime Minister Imran Khan on International Anti-Corruption Day 2019 to counter Corruption in Pakistan ?

A. ‘Report Corruption’ app B. ‘Corrupt mafias’ app C. ‘Zero Corruption’ app D. none of these

Abu-al-Fath Daud was the Ismaili ruler of ______ city ?

A. Lahore B. Multan C. Sindh D. Karachi

“One People, One State, One leader” was the policy of ______ personality ?

A. Stalin B. Hitler C. Mussolin D. Lenin

______ is both endocrine and exocrine gland ?

A. thyroid B. pancreas C. parathyroid D. all of these

Parcel Islands in the South China Sea are disputed between China and ______ country ?

A. Philippines B. Japan C. Vietnam D. South Korea

______ represented Congress in 1st Round Table Conference ?

A. Gandhi B. Nehru C. Abul Kalam Azad D. Nobody represented

Lake Tana is located in ______ country ?

A. Ethiopia B. Ghana C. USA D. Kenya

17 December 2019 Current Affair Pakistan for Competitive Exams – Daily Current Affairs 2019 Online

Download PDF file of today’s important Pakistan Current Affairs 17 December 2019. These are top latest breaking news about pakistan which will be helpful...

______ part of the brain controls thirst and hunger ?

A. Thalamus B. Hypothalamus C. Aymgdala D. None

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