This Quiz on World Famous Wars. Here are some MCQs on World Famous Battles with answers for NTS, PPSC, CSS, FPSC, OTS, PTS and other job tests. These Multiple Choice Questions on Famous Battles are posted here only for practice purpose.
1.Boston Tea Party’ is associated with?
(a) French Revolution
(b) Russian Revolution
(c) American Independence
(d) Independence of Egypt
2. ”Phoney War” is associated with the invasion by ________?
(a) Japan of Norway and Poland
(b) France of Holland and Switzerland
(c) Germany of Norway and Denmark
(d) Britain of Holland and Japan
3. Boers belonged to Dutch Protestants who revolted in 1899 AD. which was suppressed by Britain in Boer war. What was the reason for this revolt?
(a) Abolition of Slavery by Britain
(b) Annexation of Boer’s Area in Britain
(c) Dutch Protestants were against British Catholics
4. Northern and Southern States of America fought a long civil war on the issue of slavery which was won by the Southern States led by Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was in favour of the abolition of Slavery. When was this civil war fought?
(a) 1858 A.D.-1863 A.D.
(b) 1861 A.D.-1865 A.D.
(C) 1857 A.D.-1852 A.D.
(d) 1865 A.D.-1871 A.D.
5. Russia and Japan fought a war in 1903 AD. Russia was defeated. The war is called ____________?
(a) Battle of Leipzig
(b) Battle of Salamis
(c) Russ-Japanese War
(d) Battle of Yalu
6. Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece fought a war with Turkey in 1912 AD. Turkey was defeated. Name the war?
(a) Balkan War-II
(b) Battle of Jutland
(c) Balkan War-I
7. The murder of Archduke Ferdinand, the heir to Austrian throne became the immediate cause of which war?
(a) World War-I
(b) Battle of Borodino
(c) Battle of Jutland
(d) World War-II
8. 1st World War continued for _________?
(a) 6 years
(b) 4 years
(c) 5 years
(d) 3 years
9. Germany was defeated by England in a naval battle fought in 1916. Name the battle __________?
(a) Boer War
(b) Battle of Jutland
(c) Battle of Plataea
(d) War of Austrian
10. The treaty of Versailles signed in 1919 AD. became a major cause of the outbreak of which of the following wars?
(a) World War-II
(b) World War-I
(c) War of Austrian
(d) Seven-Year War
11. After the World War II, Germany was divided into East Germany and West Germany: West Germany was given under the control of _________?
(a) France, Russia and England
(b) Russia, France and USA
(c) France, England and Turkey
(d) France, EngIand and USA
12. Why American War of Independence broke out?
(a) Forcefully animation of American territories with Britain
(b) Unjustified and oppressive controls and checks imposed on Trade by Britain
(c) Americans wanted independence from France
13. France When American Congress appointed George Washington Commander-in-Chief of American Untrained Army?
(a) 1725 AD.
(b) 1732 AD.
(c) 1740 AD.
(d) 1720 AD.
14. The Declaration of Independence which renounced allegiance to the British throne, drafted by Thomas Jefferson was issued by Congress on __________?
(a) July 25, 1796
(b) August 14, 1766
(c) July 4, 1776
(d) August 4, 1786
15. An incident known as Boston tea party relating to American War of Independence refers to __________?
(a) Throwing of 342 chests of tea into the sea
(b) Tea patty of all the army commanders before delivering war of Independence
(c) George Washington invited at a tea party in Boston
(d) The tea party in which British General surrendered.
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MCQs Quiz on World Famous Battles Solved Vol 4